Performative Adulthood, Adult Performance, and Anti-drag/Anti-trans Legislation
American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) Annual Meeting, Seattle. Part of the working group "Anxieties of Influence: Transhistorical Ecologies of Antitheatricality" organized Miriam Felton-Dansky, Lindsay Brandon Hunter, and Jacob Gallagher-Ross.

Creating New Work for Spring Fringe
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Atlanta. Part of the panel "Expanding Possibilities: Training and Empowering All Students to Create New Work" hosted by Michelle Dvoskin and Susanne Shawyer

Under Attack: Standing up for LGBTQIA+ Rights in Theatre and Performance Studies
This field conversation with me, Sean Edgecomb, Khalid Long, Sara Warner, and Janet Werther was organized by Bess Rowen and Benjamin Gillespie for the annual meeting of the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) Annual Meeting in Providence.

“The (Anti-)Queer Legacies of Actor-Driven Shakespeare”
American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) Annual Meeting, Providence. Part of the working group "Tracing Queer Legacies" organized by Benjamin Gillespie and Sean Edgecomb.

“The Color Purple and the Politics of Forgiveness”
Mid America Theatre Conference (MATC), Minneapolis. I presented on a panel with Jessica Del Vecchio and Patrick McKelvey moderated by Kate Bredeson. The Theatre History Symposium chairs for 2023 were Shelby Lunderman and Allison Gibbes.

“Romeo and Juliet Love Scholarship”
American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Part of the working group "Early Modern Catastrophes" organized by Donovan Sherman and Danielle Rosvally.

“The Color Purple and the New Black”
Mid America Theatre Conference (MATC), Cleveland. I was conveniently placed on a panel with my dear friend and colleague Jessica Del Vecchio. The Theatre History Symposium chairs for 2022 were Shannon Epplett and Shelby Lunderman.

Teaching and the TAPS Job Market
This panel discussion with me, Danielle Bainbridge at Northwestern University, and Sara Freeman at the University of Puget Sound was hosted by the Searle Center for Learning at Teaching at Northwestern University. It was programming around graduate education for the Department of Theatre at Northwestern.

“Snow Queens/Show Queens: Dragging Frozen”
American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) Annual Meeting, San Diego. Part of the working group "Afterlives of Capitalism" organized by Laura MacDonald and Bryan Vandevender.

Sexual Violence and Visual Culture
This roundtable with me, Karen Cordero Reiman, and Monika Fabijanska was hosted by Joanna Gardner-Huggett and Angelique Szymanek, It was part of the National Women's Studies Association's 2021 conference We Are Family.

Response to “Animals, Aliens, and Machines”
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Austin. Respondent to the panel “Animals, Aliens, and Machines: Representations of Non-traditionally-human Characters in Musical Theatre” with papers by Julie Noonan and Colton Weiss.

What It Takes: a Creative Conversation
This panel discussion with me, Erika Loic in Art History, and Daniel Luedtke in Art was hosted by Annie Booth, Alice Fabela, and Lydia Liu. It was part of the programming for the What It Takes faculty show that ran at the Florida State Museum of Fine Arts in Spring 2021.

“A Gender of One; a Sexuality of Many: Hedwig and the Practice of Identity”
Mid-America Theatre Conference 2020 in Chicago. Part of the panel “(S)experimenting with Character” with my colleagues Jessica Del Vecchio and Drew Friedman, chaired by Scott Magelssen. We had a homophobic 8:00a time-slot on Sunday morning of the conference, but we were suitably shocking anyway.

Searching for the Bluest Water
Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts. Talk given for the Thursday Evenings at MoFA series during the show Rising Water, curated by Meredith Lynn and Jessica Ingram.

FSU Faculty Luncheon Series
The FSU Faculty Luncheon Series is designed to promote interdisciplinarity. Faculty members present their work to a diverse group of faculty and students from across campus over lunch.

Faculty Reading & Book Signing
The Florida State University Faculty Reading & Book Signing event takes place once a semester at Calvin's Coffee Shop on campus and is open to the public.

“Oz and the Shifting Representation of Sexual Violence in U.S. Prisons”
University of North Carolina Asheville Queer Conference 2018. Part of the panel “Representing Sexual Violence in Carceral Spaces” with my colleagues Ashley Currier and Jamila Small.

Sadistic Pleasure and Demon Barbering
American Society for Theatre Research Annual Meeting (ASTR), Atlanta. For the Violent Bodies, Violent Acts Working Group

“At Last, My Right Arm Is Complete”: the Dismembered Body and Sweeney Todd
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Las Vegas. Part of the panel "Danger and Pain as Spectacle: a History of Alienation, Confrontation, and Joy" with my colleagues Max Shulman, Amy Meyer, and Rick DesRochers.

“The Pink Elephant in the Room: Promises, Promises and Masculinity”
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Las Vegas. Part of the panel "The Sex was Spectacular" organized by Todd Coulter and presented with my colleagues Kelly Aliano and Wes D. Pearce.

“Say a Little Prayer for the Closet”
Comparative Drama Conference, Orlando.

“Narrativizing Trauma: Seriality and the Recurring in HBO’s Oz”
American Society for Theatre Research Annual Meeting (ASTR), Minneapolis. For the Traumatic Structures Working Group

“Teach This Not That: a New Diet of Texts for Theatre History”
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Chicago. Part of the panel “Diversity in Core Curriculum" with my colleagues Irma Mayorga, Faedra Chatard Carpenter, and Martine Kei Green-Rogers.

“Tell No One: Pulp Fiction and the Shame-Humiliation Response”
American Society for Theatre Research Annual Meeting (ASTR), Portland. For the Traumatic Structures Working Group

“Back to the Playground: the New Brutalists and Violent Sexual Prosthetics”
American Society for Theatre Research Annual Meeting (ASTR), Baltimore. For the working group “Post-human Sex”.

“Response to ‘Created from Within’ ”
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Scottsdale. Respondent to the panel “Created from Within: Queers and Queerness in the Carceral” with papers by Sarah Crockarell, Roxxy Duda, and Hadley Kamminga-Peck.

“Pornography and Its Double: Pleasure, Artaud, and Ann Liv Young”
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Scottsdale. Part of the panel “Wet Dreams: New Perspectives on Pornography, Burlesque, and the Pleasures of Viewing” with my colleagues Frank Miller and Ken Nielsen.

“In Search of a Culture That Isn’t Appropriate/d”
Presented at Wet Dreams, the LGBTQ Focus Group’s Annual ATHE Pre-Conference, Scottsdale. One of numerous "manifestos" presented during the late evening session. Mine was not a manifesto at all, really.

“Watching ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ and Seeing Red”
Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC) Theatre History Symposium, Cleveland.

“Sexual Violence and Banality at the Cineplex”
American Society for Theatre Research Annual Meeting (ASTR), Dallas. For the working group “Afterlives of the Sixties”.

Introduction to “A Xicana Codex of Changing Consciousness”
Introducing Cherríe Moraga at Dartmouth College, 2012.

“Economies of the Carceral: Rape Trauma and Its Rhetoric”
American Society for Theatre Research Annual Meeting (ASTR), Montréal. For the Traumatic Structures Working Group

“The Erotics of Male/Male Rape? Violence and Deviance in ‘Romans in Britain’ and Beyond”
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Chicago. Part of the panel “Theorizing the Legacies of Erotic Performance” with my colleagues Chris Krejci, Jessica Hester, and Alan Sikes.

“Gay Men and Violence against Women in Mark Ravenhill’s Mother Clap’s Molly House”
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Manhattan. Part of a panel on Mark Ravenhill’s work with my colleagues Glenn Kessler and David Gorshein.

“Public Figures/Public Sex”
Thinking Sex – State of the Field Conference, Philadelphia. My position paper was a part of a roundtable forum for graduate students.

“ ‘Perish the Baubles’: the Conspicuous Unimportance of Wealth in Sentimental Comedy”
American Society for Eighteenth-century Studies (ASECS) Annual Meeting, Richmond. Part of a panel on the Sentimental, organized by Brett D. Wilson.